Tuesday 18 September 2012



This semester, I am in 5th semester in my college, because of I take an English department, so few of my subject connected with linguistic. And this semester one of linguistic subject I am going to learn is literature.
Well at the first meeting of the literature’s class, I was really excited because the lecturer is so funny ha-ha and it made the atmosphere of literature class became fun. Well, as usual in my first meeting class, there would be no discussion, just gave some introduction to the material we are going to learn and some project we have to do onward.
Well, my lecturer said that for this class, he wouldn’t give a book for the student (in Indonesia it’s a common thing that a lecturer or a teacher gives a book that a student has to have) and it means that we have to look for the book by ourselves.
Finally, in the following day, I came to the library of my faculty for the book. And there are provided so many book about literature (not too many actually) and I choose one. The grey-cover book whose title is English literature and written by ANTHONY BURGESS got my attention. Bringing it to the librarian, I opened some of the pages and I found the interesting part in the beginning of the chapter.

The interesting part is talking about Science vs. Art.

Well there is said in the book that science and art is two different things. Science is mostly talking about the truth of a thing. They talking about why the earth is round, how the earth rounds and everything else connected to the truth while Art is talking about the beautiful, it talks about the beauty of earth, it doesn’t talk why the earth is round but it talks about the color and the test of the earth, something that beautiful, something that only can be tasted by and open-minded and openhearted person.

Next, there is explanation on the book, that both the science and art is important. There is no one that more special. It is just like a brain and a heart. If a person only use a brain and he doesn’t use his heart (feeling) to see the world he will be an arrogant person, and vice versa if one only use his heart (feeling) without using his brain, he will be a melancholy person.
Feeling interesting to discuss it with my friend, I ask a question to my friend in the class, I asked about which one important between science and art is. And he directly answered my question, art, because I didn’t like study because I love music, so art is the most important.  And I tried to explain about what I read on the book but he insisted. Well my friend it is I who have a mistake or he the one who don’t know that we can’t live without science and art.

Sunday 22 July 2012

menulis lanjut: Cendol- Indonesia Most Well-known Beverage

menulis lanjut: Cendol- Indonesia Most Well-known Beverage: Well, have you ever been in Indonesia, especially in Java? If you did, now I want to ask again J , have you tasted Cendol? If you have, now...

Cendol- Indonesia Most Well-known Beverage

Well, have you ever been in Indonesia, especially in Java? If you did, now I want to ask againJ, have you tasted Cendol? If you have, now I want to tell you the origin of Cendol and how to make it.

Cendol is popular beverage in south-east Asia like in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Cendol that contains ice and some others material is popular in Indonesia especially in Ramadan month. Many sellers will sell this beverage with various favors. 

Cendol is made from pulverize rice and served with scraped ice, coconut milk and brown sugar that has been melted. Yeah that is why the taste of cendol is so sweet and yummy. In Indonesia, Cendol itself has another name like “es dawet.”

How to make cendol, well that is the ingredients:
  • 100 gr rice flour
  • 2 tablespoons wheat starch
  • 500 ml water
  • 1/2 food color teaspoon
And you have got to follow these steps:
  • Mix the rice flour and wheat starch
  • Pour 150 ml water and some drops of food color
  • Boil the rest of water and then put the batter and stir until the batter becomes thick and slick
  • Prepare a big bowl that has been added some water inside it and then put “cendol printing” in the bowl
  • Pour the batter into the “cendol printing” and then push it
  • After all batter has been made into cendol, separate between water and cendol
  • Then, take some glasses and put some ice, brown sugar that has been melted, coconut milk and cendol inside it.
  • Well cendol now can be served and tasted

Es Dawet
Es Cendol
Cendol or Dawet

Friday 20 July 2012

Life isn't a Fairy Tale

I love when I was gathered in one also when I was separated in two.
I was highly honored when I was accepted in a folk but it wasn’t a matter when I known there were some who rejected me.
Because I know Life isn’t a fairy tale- a story that my grandmother used to tell me when I was child.
Life isn’t about a prince who kissed a beautiful sleeping girl so then they lived happily ever after or about an ugly duckling that became a very beautiful goose.
Truthfully, Life is like a tiger-hunting-, or a deer - surviving. They are created to hunt everything they want and survive from another hunter who will take everything they had. We are both of them. Then, live is about competence. One beats another, and one defeats another, that what animals do for life.
Well then, we are animal, aren’t we? Yes! We are talking animal but we think. We are blessed by given mind and feeling. That small things placed in our head and our heart make us one level higher than animals or lower instead.
But live is still a competence like an animal does for life, isn’t it? Yes that is, we can’t deny it. Don’t be naïf by saying that life isn’t a competence. So then, what are our brain and felling used for?
That is, to think and feel our own competence style, to think and feel that our competence isn’t only about eating or being eaten, to think and feel that we are not alone in this world and to think and feel that we are better than animals.
Confused, not understanding. Well then, it’s maybe why you are given mind and feeling. To think and feel what I wrote about.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

R.I.P My Beloved Dear

It’s hard to tell, it’s too sad to be told and it’s to hurt to be kept in my heart :D.

It’s (if I’m not wrong) in the night, under the moonlight and surrounded by wolfs’ howling when I found my dear body’s had been messing up. It’s just like my dear had been mutilated by someone that very cruel, very blood thirsty and very heartless :D.
            Before I found my dear’s dead body, I heard a very dolorous scream that I thought at that time was not my dear. That scream was really awful; it was just like a scream from a woman that loses her make-up stuff or even worse. Maybe the frequency of that scream was more than 1000000000000000 Hz that makes everything in the surrounding destroyed, shattered, and smelted.
Well, I admit that I didn’t even care with that scream; I walked away and continued my work to sleep. But, there was something wrong at least that what my heat said. I couldn’t sleep; my eyes didn’t want to close. What wrong? Why? Oh, I hadn’t put my mosquito essence yet. Xoxoox
            Well, then I put my mosquito essence in order to make me able to sleep. But not, I still couldn’t sleep. What wrong? Oh maybe I had to eat, because “if you eat much you will be able to sleep soundly” (my proverbs). Well then, I walked to my kitchen that only located 5 meters from my bed ??????????? And I took some plastic and I ate that (I am plastic-eater) xoxoxo no, it’s kidding. Literally, truthfully, honestly and absolutely, I take the plastic and tore it and take everything inside it and smelled it and twisted it, licked it and dipped it into the milk and finished it.
            Ok, I had eaten at that time, and I came back to my bed and tried to sleep. And whoalla, I did it, yeah I did it. I did my eyes open for three hours and more and more (means I still couldn’t sleep) I was hubbub, I got up from my bed, walked to my window, silent, and keep silent, silent without sound ( yeah even an infant knows that silent doesn’t produce any sound). Suddenly, there was a sound calling my name,
“Imam. ohhh imam, come here, Imam, help me”.
I was pop-eyed, “Is that ghost?” Said me (inside my heart)
“No Imam, I am not ghost, I am not ghost, help me”
What????, how could that sound answer my question? Asked me (inside my heart again)
“Yes of course I could”
“What??????????? What???????????????” Screamed my heart
“Don’t be silly dude, just come here and help me”
“Who are you? Say your name” said me (not inside my heart)”
“I…………..I………………… your………….de……………..a………….” and “prangggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I realized that something wrong happened, I ran away to that sound, and I was shocked when I found that the screamer was my beloved dear. And she’s dead, it was too late. She had run out of blood and she had already had no breath.
And you know what?
My beloved dear
She’s dead
I know. You’ve mentioned it before
Oh………. Oke….

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tracking ke Hutan Basa

Hutan basa 

Oke, gua sekedar mau melanjutkan hobi nulis gua...............

Seperti yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya, gua tanggal 5 juli 2012 gathering bersama BTA ke megamendung dan salah satu acara disana adalah trcking ke hutan basa. saat denger pemandu mengatakan bahwa kami akan tracking ke hutan basa, pikiran gua langsung flashback ke jaman SD.
Dulu,,,,,,,,,,,,, gua pernah,,,,,,,,,,,,, baca buku tentang petualangan ank kecil( kalo gak salah 7 orang ) bersama kakanya yang masih kuliah ke sebuah hutan pinus. nah di hutan itu mereka menemukan banyak tumbuhan yang belum pernah mereka temukan sebelumnya dan mereka juga menemukan salah satu binatang mitos : AUL (setengah manusia setengah anjing hutan)

terus hubungannya ma tracking apa????? gak ada sebenernya, cuma mau flasback doang :D

oke tracking waktu itu dilakukan tanggal 7 juli 2012 dimulai pukul 8 pagi. gua antusias banget buat tracking, gua bakal ngebayangin alam yang alami, lebat tak terjamah manusia, sebab pemandunya juga berkata bahwa hutannya jarang terkena sinar matahari (lebet banget dah).

oke gua mulai jalan, pertama melewati kebon kol, pisang dan cabai....... sejuk, terus gua ngelewati tebing yang gua bilang lumayan curam( kalo ngegelundung ke bawah, palingan juga rontok 1 gigi). oke selama perjalanan kok gua gak nemuin hutan yang katanya lebat ya...... kalo cuman kay gini mah dikampung gua juga ada .

ternyata, setelah setengah perjalanan, kita mulai memasuki wilayah hutan basa, cukup lebat, dan cukup banyak pacet juga... gua waktu itu digigit 2 pacet. oke gua ahirnya ngelewatin kali kecil, yang ternyata gudang pacet ( semua anak pada mainan disitu) dan setelah sampe tujuan baru mereka pada jerit jerit (terutama cewek) kalo mereka kemasukan pacet:D.
oke setelah sampai tujuan ahirnya kita diberi kesempatan, istirahat? bukan,,,,,,, foto-foto :D,,,,,,,,,,,,, after that we headed to the camp again........

gua di kali penuh pacet
gua di kali penuh pacet
pose dulu, baru digigit pacet

Merintih di balik pintu part II

oke,.... setelah melakukan interogasi selama berabad-abad :D....... merekapun bersikeras tidak tahu menahu dan bahkan shock mendengarnya. oke,,,,,, gua makin takut, gua ahirnya memutuskan buat balik ke kamar, mencoba buat tidur (jujur gua waktu itu sakit perut pengen BAB tapi gua tahan,,,, jarak WC nya boy...... 50 meter di pojok kebon(adooohhh). oke malamnya temen gua si F membuka pintu dan jendela,,, dia mau membuktikan bahwa kuntilanak tadi ada, tetapi sampai ahirnya pagi menjelang, suara cewe nangis itu tidak ada.

oke...... pagi terahir,, pembicaraan tentang suara kuntilanak menjadi obrolan hangat menjelang sarapan pagi, kecurigaan si D tetap kepada anak lantai bawah, kecurigaan si F setengah2 (dia bingung apakah yang tyadi malam itu suara kuntilanak asli atau bukan). ahirnya entah siapa yng memulai, debat kusir terjadi ditengah hangatnya makan nasi uduk. kelompok anak lantai atas menuduh anak bawah, anak bawah bersikeras dan balik menuduh bahwa kita acting,hahahhahhahahhha (kocak,,,,,,, itu moment yang paling gua ingat di outbond) ahirnya salah satu anak lantai bawah bang A, mengeluarkan handphonenya dan dia pun berkata" suaranya kayak gini gak?'
jiahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. suara cewek nangis pun keluar........ hahhahahhaha gua ngakak..... (sialannnn!!!!!)......... ahirnya usut punya usut otak dalang boss dari buntut ini :D adalah bang FE..... kepala suku lantai bawah :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

Merintih di balik pintu Part I

Ceritanya begini ni. Gua kan lagi gathering ama tempat kerja gua yaitu BTA-bimbel belajar - di megamendung, Bogor. Yang ikut gathering sebagian pengajar, staff ama pimpinannya. Waktu itu gua berangkat ke mega mendung hari kamis 5 juli 2012 (lengkap ni gua tulis tanggalnya, biar bisa diverifikasi :D). rencananya kita mau ngelakuin outbond di sana selama 2 hari 2 malam. nah hari pertama ama malam pertama semuannya berjalan lancar. (sebelumnya, gua ceritaiin villanya ni, disana ad 3 villa, 2 buat cewek , 1 buat cowok, nah villa buat cowok itu tempatnya agak menjorok ke sebelah barat, deket ama kebon ama rawa gitu dah. nah gua kebagian tempat di villa lantai 2 ama 6 temen gua lainnya)

ok, malam pertama semuannya lancar ni, aman tuntas gak ada hambatan mirip jalanan jakarta dah kalo lebaran. nah masalah mulai muncul di malam kedua ni. waktu itu gua inget, abis sholat maghrib bersama, kita ada acara makan bersama . nah kita makan-makn tuh, sampe kenyang, abis makanpmakn ada acara api unggun yang dfipimpin langsung oleh pimpinan BTA. ( sekedar info: di acara itu kan ada lomba yel-yel, ada 4 kelomok 2 cowok 2 cewek, yang menang juara 1 ama 2 dikasi hadiah lah, lumayan. as you know, kelompok gua dapet juara 2>>> BANGGA BANGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAA)

OKE, acara api unggun kira-kira selesai jam setengah sepuluh, abis itu ada acara lagu nih,belum selesai lah. acarnya ya itu , barbeque istilah bule-nya lah, bakar bakar gitu, bakar daun, bakar sampah, bakar ranting :D. gaklah, bakar ayam, ikan ma jagung. Gua makan banyak kayaknya sampe keingetan kalo gua sakit perut waktu itu, yah langsung gua cabut ke kamar, BAB? nggakkkk, tidur.
nah ceritannya nih yang ada di kamr cuma 5 dari 7 orang, 2 diantaranya lagi asik bermasghul, ciailah bahasa gua , maksudnya lagi asik main gaplek di lantai bawah ama penghuni lantai bawah. nah berhubung pagi sebelumnya gua abis racking ke hutan basa dan berjuang menghadapi gigitan pacet, gua langsung tidur aja ni kecapean.

gua ga tau pukul berapa tiba-tiba gua bangun, samar-samar gua denger ada suara cewe nangis, demi TUHAN itu suara jelas banget dan yang denger bukan cuma gua doang, temen gua , 4 orang juga denger. Gila, gua gemeteran, baru sekli-kalinya gua denger suara cewe nangis tengah malem, siapa coba? seriusan, semua orang dikamar pada diem, gak ada ynag berani gerak, lebih-lebih gua. Ahirnya temen gua yang berinisial D, memberanikan diri buka pintu (Gila!!!!!!!!!) dan !!!!!!!!!! gak ada siapa-siapa. si D langsung berkata "ada yang iseng kayanknya". tetp aja gua gak berani ngapa-ngapain. ahirnya si D menutup pintu lagi. semua kembali hening sampai 10 menit kemudian sura ceweknya balik lagi (Sialann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) gua nambah mengkirut di kasur kayak kucing lagi tidur. Si D pun mebuka pintu lagi,dan?????? tak ada orang lagi. tetapi, dia berkata"sepertinya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, saya mendengar derap kaki di tangga. terus??????? (tanya gua dalam hati) mungkin itu kuntilanak yang berlari.
ahirnya temen gua yang lain, si Fmulai curiga, kecurigaan itu terlontar kepada anak-anak di lantai bawah. dia pun turun ke bawah, gua juga ikut (sok berani). dia pun mengintrogasi , eh........... mereka malah berkata, "wah wah, lagi acting ni kayaknya, biar kita-kita pada takut.
"lah< emangmereka kagak merasa suara gua yang gemetar ini , dan hati gua yang berdetak kencang.

TO BE CONTINUED.........................................