Friday 20 July 2012

Life isn't a Fairy Tale

I love when I was gathered in one also when I was separated in two.
I was highly honored when I was accepted in a folk but it wasn’t a matter when I known there were some who rejected me.
Because I know Life isn’t a fairy tale- a story that my grandmother used to tell me when I was child.
Life isn’t about a prince who kissed a beautiful sleeping girl so then they lived happily ever after or about an ugly duckling that became a very beautiful goose.
Truthfully, Life is like a tiger-hunting-, or a deer - surviving. They are created to hunt everything they want and survive from another hunter who will take everything they had. We are both of them. Then, live is about competence. One beats another, and one defeats another, that what animals do for life.
Well then, we are animal, aren’t we? Yes! We are talking animal but we think. We are blessed by given mind and feeling. That small things placed in our head and our heart make us one level higher than animals or lower instead.
But live is still a competence like an animal does for life, isn’t it? Yes that is, we can’t deny it. Don’t be naïf by saying that life isn’t a competence. So then, what are our brain and felling used for?
That is, to think and feel our own competence style, to think and feel that our competence isn’t only about eating or being eaten, to think and feel that we are not alone in this world and to think and feel that we are better than animals.
Confused, not understanding. Well then, it’s maybe why you are given mind and feeling. To think and feel what I wrote about.

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