Thursday 27 June 2013

BBM Campuran, Demi Tuhan vs The Bad Intruder

Masyarakat Indonesia bulan-bulan ini sedang dihebohkan dengan video lagu editan atau apalah namanya buatan Eka Gustinawa Putra. Diapaaine mang? Ya,tidak salah lagi lagu-lagu buatannya adalah editan dari video-video seperti video gossip, video reality show, ataupun video siaran berita. Sebut saja video dari Arya Wiguna yang sempat sensational dengan “Demi Tuhan”-nya. Video yang menurut saya biasa saja (hahhaha) disulap menjadi lagu yang yah ear-catching dan easy-listening buat kuping-kuping sebagian besar orang Indonesia. Belum lagi video-video artis lain (lain? Arya wigunaartiskah? Hahhaha) seperti video soimah yang coak (sukajerit-jerit-jawa), video dedy combuzier yang kepalanya gondrong dan video Jeremy tetty, penyiar yang agak centil (hahha). 
 "Demi Tuhan" Arya Wiguna                         

" BBM Campuran" Jeremy Teti                      

Sang Peng-edit Video, Eka Gustinawa Putra

Sempatkah agan berpikir?
Anda:    Video kayak gitu baru pertama kali ya di youtube?
Satu-satunya ya dari Indonesia?
Kalo agan adalah youtubers sejati yang suka lihat channel-channel luar negri, kemungkinan besar agan akan menjawab
Youtubers: “Nggaklah, udahadakok video kayak gitu dari jaman doeloe”.
Anda:    Serius???? Mane??? (Orang betawini yang nanya)
Youtubers: “Ni tong klik ya video di bawah ni, download aje sekalian yak kalo mau mah”
 "The Bed Intruder"
 "The Bed Intruder" High Sound Quality-nya gan

Nah ude liatkan tong. Bijimana? Ear-catching kaga tuh tong? Demen kagak?
Anda: Mau liat video aslinya dah bang, ada kagak ni?
Youtubers: nih jabanin dah, gue kasini video aslinya….
Video asli "The Bed Intruder" sebelum diedit

(Pake Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar)……………
Itu, nama cowo yang ada di video namanya Antonie Dodson. Dia, tahun 2010, mengalami musibah di rumahnya di Huntsville, Alabamma. Waktu itu ada sekelompok anak-anak geng yang coba mecahin kaca jendela dan masuk rumah doi. Anak-anak itu mau memerkosa kakanya si doi tapi  untungnya doi berhasil nyelametin kakak perempuannya. Nah sesaat setelah peristiwa itu, rumah doi didatengin ama NBC (TV local di sana), di sana-lah doi diwawancara sama Elizabeth Gentle (sang reporter).
Antoine Dodson
Hasil rekaman wawancara itu ditayanginlah di TV (iyalah masa’ di radio). Nah waktu ditanyangin, The Gregory Brother denger. Siapatuh The Gregory Brother? Mereka itu artist pencipta auto-tuned song. Nah kerena mereka kreatif, di-editlah tuh lagu sampai hasilnya kaya video yang di atas. 
The Gregory Brothers

Sang Pengedit "The Gregory Brothers"
Setelah beredar beberapa minggu di youtube, video ituj adi sensational gan. Kemudian The Gregory Brother bikinlah proyeklagu dengan judul “The Bed Intruder” dan dijual di i-tunes. Di i-tunes pun lagu mereka jadi sensational, tercatat telah terjual 250.000 copi. Hebat banget kagatuh? Dan yang lebih hebatnya lagi ni, lagu itu sempat muncul di billboard hot 100 list, settttttt dah, macan banget ni orang.
Karena saking populernya lagu ini nih, beberapa band pun sampai meng-cover ni lagu seperti band punk yang digawangi Williams (paramore),  Jordan Pundik of New Found Glory, Ethan Luck of Reliant K, dan musisi lain seperti Tony Lucca. Ajiiibbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony Lucca's Cover on The Bed Intruder

Another cover tapi ane lupa siapa yang cover hahha
Terus bijimana nasib si-penyayi sendiri Antonie Dodson? Wooo,,,doi jadi sangat terkenal gan. Mulai dari masuk TV local, show-show di radio di Australia, buat fans club di LONDON, bikin t-shirt, tampil di BET HIP Hop Awards, dapet penghargaan “Video of the Year”, ikut project lagu “Lopez Tonight,”dan juga project-project lain seperti aplikasi iPhone dan android.
Gimana gan, udah clear kan sekarang. Jadi Indonesia bukan yang pertama kali buat video kaya gitu. Video yang biasa disebut auto-tuned video itu juga pernah dibuat sama The Gregory Brothers pada tahun 2010. Tapi gan, ane tetep salut gan sama Mas Eka Gustinawa Putra, doi kreatif abis gan. Salute gan!!!!! Semoga anak-anak bangsa bisa juga kreatif seperti doi di bidang-bidang lainnya gan. Selamat malam gan! Salam Menulis!

Sunday 9 June 2013

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark. What? Wait!!!!!!!!!

Good night readers, what’s up? My name is Imam Khasbany (actually the last word is using “I”) and now, yes now, I can’t sleep and I don’t know why and you don’t ask me why. Xoxo JK LOL.  Tonight it is 1.04 AM and I still have my eyes opened. I have tried to sleep since three hours ago but I can’t and it is exacerbated by my friend by turning off the light in the front room. Well, actually I sleep in the middle room (Is it right I use term “middle room?”) and two of my friends sleep in the front room. Okay, straight to the point, my friend is turning off the lamp when I try to sleep and I think that is not cool. Why? Because I have dark-phobia. What?????????????????? Yes you (might) scream “what????????????????”. OK frankly and candidly I used to sleep in the dark when I was child. My mom always turned off my lamp’s room when I was about to sleep but I don’t know why when I am grown-up I got this kind of phobia. Well, let me remember, I think I have a reason in my finger, I mean in my mind why I don’t like to sleep in the dark (again).
It is long time ago (in the snail world :D). Actually, it was four years ago. I had just graduated from my senior high school then at that time. After graduating from my high school, I got a habit to sleep in my grandma’s house, I didn’t like to sleep in my own room in my own house. I didn’t know why. But it was kinda comfortable to sleep in my grandma’s house. There are three rooms in my grandma’s house which is just one room that was being occupied until I slept there. My favorite place to sleep in grandma’s house is in the family room. Because the room is bigger that other rooms and also there are television and mattress there so that I could lying while I was watching television.
So what is the story? Not yet, not yet, the paragraphs above are just the introduction. What is the thesis statement then? What??? Don’t tell me “thesh*t statement” because I don’t give a sh*t with that. Hahaha, kidding everybody.
Well, it was in the night of Ramadhan. I love Ramadhan because it is a gifted month for me. In the Ramadan night, it is always a tradition in my family to gather around in my grandma’s house after breaking the fasting (buka puasa J) to take a taraweh (taraweh is kind of salat or pray which is only done in Ramadhan)pray. After doing taraweh pray, at that night, all of my grandma’s family member was back to their own house, it just my grandpa, me, and my little niece that were left in the family room. My grandma had already been sleep at that time. I, grandpa, and my little niece watched TV at that night and after a while, we were sleepy and then we decided to sleep. And before sleeping, as usual, my grandpa turning off the lamp. And it was just the lamp in the praying room that was on at that time. (The praying room was located beside the family room.) I think, at that time I got a sound sleep but I think again that I didn’t because I didn’t know what time was that when I was awake. But it was just weird, horror, and blood-curdling. Why? Because I was stiff at that time when I awake. I couldn’t move my hand, my feet, or even my fingers. All I could do at that time was just opening and closing my eyes. Well at that time, I tried to calm down. I took a breath slowly, and breathe it out, again and again and slowly. I wish at that time I could have moved my body. But it was just naught. I was still stiff.
Well, I tried to calm down again and I was about to try to take a breath again when suddenly my eyes caught a shadow coming from the praying room. Oh my God, what was this? Never had I experienced it. It was just frightening. I tried not to look over the praying room, but I didn’t know why my eyes moved by itself and saw the praying rom. No, I felt that my heart just stopped beating when I saw the praying room. It was just more horrifying than what was just shown in the Television and it was just more scary that the ghost that I had read in the scary comic.
She was a woman, long-haired woman. The hair was long so that it covered her face and I just could see the hair that was hanging over the face. Her cloth was white and it was kinda a dress. And it was the scariest part that I have to tell. It was that she was crawling, and she was crawling toward me. I could see her clearly because my eyes and my neck didn’t want to move. I could see that she was approaching me. And when she was about to reach my face, fortunately, I could move my neck and my eyes from looking over the praying room.
I was glad at that time when I knew that I could avoid to see her. But my happiness was not long. Because when I glanced over my head, I saw that she was sitting beside my head and I could feel her hair touched my cheek. Oh my God, what kinda curse this was, I thought at that time. I tried to recite some ayats. But, it was despite the allegations that she could repeat the ayats

Note: I finish typing the story at 1.57 AM, and I fell that when I am typing, there is someone watching over me in my back. I don’t want to care