Monday 22 September 2014


“Bani, you want join us this afternoon?” said a wavy-haired boy to a little boy that was sitting on the chair when he passed his house.
“Where” asked the sitting boy
“Selimut River, after ngaji (Ngaji is an informal religious school followed by children at which there children learn to recite Al-Quran and Islamic rule and law.
The sitting boy whose name is Bani didn’t answer the invitataion. He was still able to manage it after Ngaji. Also if he was agree to join the wavy-haired boy to go to Neki river, he can directly follow him as the wavy-haired boy’s house was situated in the front of his house.
Bani, then, entered his house. As he was inside the house he just remembered one thing that he forget to ask to the wavy-haired boy. That was the purpose of going to Neki River.
He then grabbed a towel hanging in the rope in the kitchen. Then, he went to the bathroom and took a bath because as he looked a clock hanging in the wall showed that the time was already two o’clock afternoon.
He then walked to the bath room located outside his house. The bathroom with no door. Sometime he wanted to talk to his father to renovate the bathroom because it looked so unsafe, but he cannot do anything but remained silent. He then put the rope on the wall of the bathroom that was made from bamboo laths. He then started to put off all what he wears and poured the water stored in the big place to his body.
As the first water pured into his body, he started to remember a thing again. Now, he remember that Neki River is a big river and it will be, at least, considered to be dangerous by his parents. If they know, they would not let him to go with his friend to Neki River. The fourth poured water had wetted his body. He then took a soap and began to lather his body. He poured water to flush his lathered body. Suddenly, his eye-lines furrowed. He , again, just remembered that today his parents were at the rice-field and they, as always, will be back home at 05.30 PM and that will be enough for him to went to Neki river and came back home before his parents did.
He had done taking bath and the next thing he was to do was preparing for Ngaji. Located in a mosque in the village, Ngaji was an informal school that was almost taken by all Muslim children in that village. Learning activities in this place lasted for about one hour.
“Riyad, what are we gonna do in Neki River, anyway? Asked Bani to the wavy-haired boy when he was at the way home from Ngaji.
“What do you think” replied Riyad by asking a question. What a really cliché way to answer a question
“Can’t think though” Said Bani
“We gonna fishing” said a boy that came from the back and he directly huddled up Bani and Riyad with his hands. His breath was almost running out. It seemed that he just ran to chase Bani and Riyadh
“Sure, Muhru” said Bani unbelievably
“What else do you think, we are gonna do there, then?”  Asked Muhru, and a cliché way happened again
“Dunno” said Bani as he raised his shoulder up
“Okay prepare your fishhook and meet me at my home” said Muhru and he ran away
‘Right, you have known now, now it is your call whether you are gonna join us or not” said Riyadh and he turn left to the way of his home.
Bani has thought the consequence if his parent knew what he had done and he decided to join them. Then he went to backyard, and looking for a fishhook in the stack of firewood his parents collected. He dismantled the stack and he found what he was looking for.
Bani, afterwards, went to Riyadh. As he did a little run from his backyard, he saw that Riyadh had been in the road side of his front house waiting for him

Then Bani and Riyadh walked to Muhru’s House and as they reached the house, Muhus had also been in the front house waiting them.
‘Which way should we take’ Asked Riyadh
‘Better through my backyard” Answered Muhru
Then those three boys went to the back side of Muhru’s house, there were fish hook and bait in each of their hand. Muhru took the path way they always took every time he went to Neki River. The way is a bit dark because in the side of the path way, live many trees like bamboo, coconut-tree, and there also lived many bushes.
‘My neighborre, once, ever saw a ghost’ Said Muhru at a sudden
‘No kidding” Said Bani a bit frightened
 “I am sure, he told me” Said Muhru in a firm voice trying to convince Bani “He said that he ever saw Gendruwo Here (Gendruwo is a myth ghost of Javanese People at which this creature is described as a tall and giant man whose body is full of hair. His eyes is red and his skin is dark and green. Also Gendruwo has fang on his mouth.)
“When did it happen?” Ask Bani curiously
“Once, in Maghrib Time. (Maghrib Time is a time refers to a time from (6.00 Pm-7.00Pm) Indonesian people used to using Maghrib time to refer that time). My neighbor said that he was going to take a cassava at that time. This land in his parents’. It is already magrib Time and he was going alone” Said Muhru in a serious tone
‘And then? What happened?” asked Bani
“Well, the cassava plant is over there’ Said Muhru while his finger pointed to an areas at which cassava trees were planted. “You see that bamboo there in front of us? Asked Muhru to Bani
“Yes, why?’
“Wait!!! Where is Riyadh?’ Screamed Muhru in A Panic tone
Bani then turn his body and he also didn’t see Riyadh. His mimic is even more panic than what Muhru’s Voice did.
“Riyadh, oiiii Riyadh’ Screamed Muhru, there was no joke in Muhru’s voice.
“Where is he’ Asked Bani
“I don’t know?”
“Oi, what happened?” There is a voice at a sudden from behind a oconut-tree
Riyad then popped up from the tree and he ran towards them.
“What’s up? Why are you calling me?’ Said Riyadh
“What are you doing there/’ Said Bani furiously
“I took a pee, come on, nothing wrong, right? Said Riyadh
“I thought you are kidnapped by Gendruwo” Said Muhru
“Ah come on, your fantasy is too over Muhru, forget it, lets go’ Said Riyadh and he walked in from of his two friends.
Muhru, then, asked Bani if he wanted to hear about his Gendruwo story. Bani just answered his question by shaking his head from side to side. Then they walked to Neki River. The Neki was not too far from where they stand.
The tree boys were at a rice field. The rice field had been harvested about a month ago so the condition of the rice field was dried. The form of the rice field in their village was like a stair. And they were now at the top-of the stair-case.
“The river is down there. Let’s go’ Said Muhru
Then they were walking down. The sun was shining at that time. The light was orange and it wasn’t felt hot to the three boys’ skin. Also, the wind was blowing slowly. Bany saw there were grasshopper were jumping form a plant to another plant. On the side of the small way of the rice field he walked through, Bani can see a cimplukan tree. (Cimplukan is kind of wild plant living in a rice-field that had been harvested. The form of the fruit was like a small house lizard’ egg and the color is yellow. The taste is sweet.)
Bani then pick one of the cimplukan fruit. He ate it and it felt sweet in his mouth. Then he picked again.
‘Alright, this is the river, lets sail” Said Riyadh
“Why is so small” Asked Bani
“It’s the branch” said Riyadh, “The main River is ten times than it”
They, then looked for a comfortable spot to fish. They chose their own favorite spot.  Muhru chose a near a tree, Bani choose a spot in a big stone near the river side, while Riyadh chose a spot in the tree. They, then began to fish.
Ten minutes later, Riyadh got a fish. So did Bani, a little one. Then, suddenly Muhru screamed while his finger pointed on something.
‘Look at there, there!” screamed Muhru
“What is it?” replied Riyadh and he jumped off the tree he climbed
“Look there is Biawak (Monitor Lizard)” Said Muhru
“O yeah, right. Look over there. It walked there, that’s big” Said Bani
“Let’s go, move to another place” commanded Riyadh
“Alright, come on, bounce out!”
Then, they moved. And they went along the edge of the river. Alas, they cannot find a nice place to fish. They walked farther and farther. Then they met a farmer that worked on her land. They got nothing to say. Muhru, then, said something.

“He lets look for sapi-sapian” Said Munru. (Sapi-sapian is a kind of wild fruit usually living on a river. The color of the fruit is Red or purple and its tastes is sweet.
“Well, the day is getting darker, we had better go home now “said Riyadh.
Well, there was no argument. They then decided to take a path way home. They passed the branch River of Neki River. In the river suddenly they met with a friend.
“Supri, what are you doing here, what a coincidence’ Said Muhru
‘Same as you all I think, I am looking for fish, look I got a lot of them” Said Supri and he raised his hand, and there were fish tied on a rope.
“Wow, what a very many fish’ Said Bani
“Hey, Bani, didn’t your parents get angry if you go in Neki River” Asked Supri
“They do not know” Said Bani
“Okay, hey anyway, the sky is getting darker, why don’t we go home, anyone want to in me to home? Asked Supri
‘We are all going to go home now, frankly. “Said Muhru
“Well, good. Let’s follow me. I got a path way that leads us to a way near your home” Said Supri and he pointed Bani
‘Nope, I think I am gonna follow Muhru and Riyad’ Said Bani
“Okay then, good bye everyone!” Said Supri and he waved his hand to them.
Then they walked home. In the way home, Muhru, again, told about a scary story.
“Hey you know what, there is a legend about this river” Said Muhru opened the conversation
“What?” Asked Bani
“It is believed that Once, there is a man that went fishing in this river. As he walked along the side of the river, he found an egg, a bunch of eggs actually.” Told Muhru
“And then?” Asked Riyadh curiously
‘Then, he took the eggs home and he boiled it and he served the eggs to his wife that was pregnant?’ Continued Muhru
“You know what?”
‘What?” Said Bani
“The egg is actually a snake’s eggs. As the wife was giving a birth, she didn’t give birth of a human, but snake! Said Muhru
‘Are you sure/ Then, what happened after that” Asked Bani
“Well I do not know” Said Muhru
“How come you do not know?”
“Why do I have to now? Hey, it is raining. Come on Hurry.
Then, they walked fast. Fifteen minutes later they had reached their own house. So did Bani. Bani then opened the kitchen door slowly. He was afraid if his father had been home. As he opened it, he found no one. Bani then go to the family room and looked the clock. The clock showed that the time was five o’clock PM. Bani then took a bath and put his father’s fishhook. He then read book in the living room as a disguise.

Muhru now has married and live with one beautiful wife and daughter
Riyadh also just married on 2013. He married with, of course, a beautiful woman too.
Supri now is still looking for his mate.
Bani itself is now posting this writing on BlogSpot.


“Hei, Dinar, where are going now? You always play every time you just back home from the school! That’s annoying, you know? Let’s go help mom in the kitchen!” Said a 16-year-old girl when she saw his little brother were running from his room and take a pair of sandal.

“What? Helping in the kitchen? No, No, and No. I am not a girl. I am a boy you know, a ten-year-old boy. I am not supposed to be in the kitchen and cooking. That’s forbidden. I don’t want to a sissy boy” Replied Dinar and he walked to the front door.
As Dinar walked in the front door, His big sister followed him from behind and she then pulled Dinar shirt.

“Don’t try to make an excuse, you lazy boy! You will never be a sissy boy just because help mom in the kitchen. Now shut your mouth and go to the kitchen, now!!! Said Dinar’s sister in the loud volume of voice. 

Dinar, then stared at his sister’s eyes and his sister did the same thing. It was kind of awkward when they stared each other, because it could take more than a minute. Suddenly, Dinar threw his sandal outside the house.

“Fine!!!” Screamed Dinar to his sister and he walked fast to the kitchen. 

As he arrived to the kitchen, he saw a big frame of photo hanging in the wall, near the refrigerator. It was a family picture. There were Dinar, father, mother, and Susi, his big sister. Dinar then pulled the chair from the dinner table and he placed in the near of the kitchen window. Dinar, then, bend his arm on the top of the chair. He glanced at the kitchen room. He saw nobody. He felt astonishment as his mother, usually, will be in the kitchen at this time.
“Nice, yeah? I ask you to go to the kitchen is to help mother not to sit down and daydreaming” Said Susi, suddenly from the kitchen door.
“You again? Arghhh” Said Dinar as he cover his depressed face with his hands.
“Where is mom?” Asked Dinar
“Where do you think she is “Asked Susi back
“If I knew, I would not ask you. Talking to you is a waste of time, you know’
“Take it easy, little bro. I am just teasing you”
“Yeah, Whatever”
“Dinar, now you wash those plate and glasses” asked Susi while her fingers pointed at the heap of dirty plates and glasses in the kitchen
“Ah, ah, no but, or I do it and you cook for lunch” threatened Susi
“Okay” Dinar walk languidly to the heap of the plate and he began to wash them one by one.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER……………………………………………………………..
‘Alright, Done!” Said Dinar, and he wipe his hand that full of soap foam in his cloth
Susi glance at the plates that now had been placed neatly at the draining-board.
“Well-done little brother, now help me cook” Said Susi
“No, way, no big way, I am sorry Susi I have to go, hahaha”
Dinar then ran to the front door, and he take his sandal hurriedly. Dinar ran to the small way in the front of his house and he, then, disappeared, just in a minute

.........................................................TO BE CONTINUED..............................................................