Thursday 29 May 2014

Kiddo, I gotta miss you all, Part I

                   Hello there, you all, how are you? Hmmm….. today, as usual, I am gonna write something unimportant and not worth to read, haha, so please click back to previous page on your browser. LOL.
Today I am going to share you my experience while I am doing teaching practice in MA Pembangunan Jakarta. It is about LDK (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan) ?i don’t know what it is called in English hwehehe….Well, because of my unlimited vocabularies I will write my experiences in Bahasa.. Wait…wait did I mention unlimited vocabularies……oh snappp!!!!!! I am mistaken I didn’t mean unlimited vocabularies. From now on it is supposed to be un-very-limited vocabulary,,,ahahaha LOL,,, I am sure now you think I am stupid person…..Hei, dude you know what, “Stupid is what a stupid does” yes…..Forrest Gump.  

            Oke straight as an arrow, I will tell you my story, but remember you will find a lot of swearwords and dirty words in the following paragraphs, so if you are kind of easily-offended person please get the HELL out now!!!! Opps!!! Hahha kidding my man.

                   Oke ini cerita seratus persen bener, tanpa rekayasa……yang berarti…. If you know what it means. Oke gua sedikit lupa tanggal berapa acara ini dimulai tetapi seiinget gua, acara pelatihan dasar kepemimpinan ini dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat bulan Maret, oke tanggal ga penting, kecuali waktu acara itu gua nembak cewe baru itu penting, hahaha,,,,,garing!!!!!.
Acara dimulai pada hari Jumat, waktu itu selesai gua ngajar (inget gua cuma guru praktikan, gua bukan an official teacher, jadi kalo ada hal nyeleneh yang gua lakuin ga ada kaitan dengan MA Pembangunan,,,,hahahha,,,,,jiper amat si lo mam…….f*ck off man). 

            Sehabis ngajar seharusnya gua pergi ke masjid sekolah buat sholat Jum’at berjamaah, tetapi gua memutuskan buat balik ke istana gu (baca Kosan), buat nyiapin bajua ama celana. Oke, sebagai muslim yang baik gua tetep jumatan pada waktu itu,,, yes, gua berangkat jumatan jam 12.10 dan sholat Jumat selesai jam 12.15….hahha anak teladan. 

             Setelah selesai sholat Jumat gua berangakat ke MA Pembangunan menggunakan……kaki. Setelah samapai gua langsung liat anak-anak MA Pembangunan udah siap-siap, dan ketika gua liat barang bawaan mereka. Four words that I wanted to say at that time is “Are you kidding me?”. Lo tau kenapa? Yes…barang bawaan mereka itu banyak banget,,,,dan tasnya gede banget,,,come on now you kiddo you just two days there and you will not climb a mountain ,,,,jadi kenapa lu harus kaya orang mau pindah kosan. Oke , it is impossibele to make the things vanished, yaudah gua pasrah, kenapa pasrah? Gua juga ga tau kenapa. Gut....

             Next, ahirnya anak-anak OSIS dan MPK(oke, FYI, yang ikut acara ini anak OSIS dan MPK, gua ga tau MPK itu kepanjangan apa, I don’t care either,,,hahaha). Oke gua buru-buru ke lapangan takut gua telat dan ternyata setelah sampai sana lapangannya……kosong.
Kumpul Sebelum Berangkat.
Hanya beberapa anak saja yang udah kumpul….well, gua menarik nafas,,,takut jatuh nafasnya. Ahirnya salah satu official teacher mengumumkan pake Toa kalo suruh kumpul. Ahirnya entah darimana datangnya, mungkin dari langit atau dari permukaan bumi, ahirnya nak-anak bermunculan satu-perasatu dan you know what. Those who are late got punishment. They had to push up. Gua geli sebenernya liat mereka push up, karena ada beberapa yang push-upnya Cuma pantat aja yang gerak. Oke fine.
Anggota OSIS dan MPK

        Setelah acara sambutan dan nasihat dan wejengan dan pesan dan message dan…sama aja…sama aja…ahirnya kita berangkat,,,,pihak panitia berang menggunakan mobil ELF (gua ga taua pakah ELF ini sebuah jenis atau merk mobil, kalo ini merek mobil berari gua harus dapet komisi udah bantu promosiin mobil ini di blog,,,,hahaha,,,,,,,lumayan,,,,lumayan.) masih ingetkan kalo bawaan anak-anak itu mirip orang pindah kosan? Nah, as a result, mobil elf yang panjang itu pun jadi tersa sempit buat kita, darn it…haha

Berjalan menuju tempat LDKS
          Terus anak-anak ke tempat pelatihan LDK (tempat pelatihannya ada di tempat outbond di daerah depok, Gua lupa namanya apa) naik apa? Mereka naik angkot, dan mereka turun di ……..gua lupa dimana ……pokoknya setelah turun di tempat yang telah ditentukan meeka harus jalan ke tempat LDK. Kasian ya? Nggak, I had walked, gua pernah jalan yang lebih jauh daripada itu… come on kiddo, itu belum seberapa, ga usah cengen, no nedd to complain, kalian harus paham kalo hidup ini
keras kalo kalian lembek gimana kalian akan survive nanti ketika kalian udah dewasa. Remember “Life is rough so you gotta be tough” cie,,,,,,,pesan moral…ehem…..


The Logo of Pharmacy, How and Where does It Comes from?

Logo of Pharmacy
Have you ever gone to hospital or pharmacy? Or have you ever passed by in front of it? Well then, my next question that “Have you ever noticed the logo put up in the top of the building or in the wall?
Hm…. Well you think what the logos that I am talking about, don’t you? All right do you catch what the logo I mean? That’s right. If your answer is the logo of pharmacy.
Well then, you ask yourself why in earth I am asking about the logo of pharmacy. Hm,.. I myself actually do not know why I am asking about the logo. Oh, I remember maybe it is because I saw someone wearing a jacket while I was taking pray in mosque. The wore a jacket at which there was written in the back part of the jacket  “Pharmacy 91” along with a picture of snake coming up from a glass. Then, a curiosity was approaching my mind at that time and it whispered a question” oi…humankind find out why a snake is used to symbolize a pharmacy”. “Wakata” I said in a Naruto’s style. Haha. 
Then, here it goes, I ended up Google searching why a snake is used to symbolize a pharmacy. The result are:
History: The snake, The Pharmacy, The logo, “How are they related?”
According to an article I read from Wikipedia, it is stated that the usage of a snake as a symbol of pharmacy is based on Greek Mythology. In Greek Mythology, it is believed that snake or what they called as “the Rod of Asclepius” is a deity or a god that related to the healing and medicine. In Greek, it is symbolized then as a serpent-entwined rod. “The Rod of Asclepius” takes its name from Asclepius. Asclepius has attributes that are snakes and staff which are combined as a symbol.

Temple had been built to admire and worship Asclepius. The temple used to worship Asclepius then was named as asclepion. The most famous temple of Asclepius was at Epidaurus in north-eastern Peloponnese. Another famous healing temple is located in the island of Kos. It is predicted that Hippocrates (a Greece medicine expert) had begun his career in the island of Kos’ temple. Other temples are located in Trikala, Gortys (Arcadia), and Pergamum (Asia).

Asclepion in Pergamum (Asia)
In honor of Asclepius, a particular type of non-venomous snake was often used in healing rituals. The snakes then are called as Aesculapian snakes. Aesculapian snakes which is native snake of Europe are still exist until now. As I have mentioned before, the snake is non-venomous snake and it is able growing up to 2 meters in full-length. It is often classified as the largest European snakes.
In the Greece healing tradition in the past, when there was a sick person, then the sick person will be threated and healed using Aesculapian snakes. The snakes will be put around the sick person. Then, they will crawled around freely on the floor in dormitories where the sick and injured slept. The ritual of purification would be followed by offerings or sacrifices to the god and the supplicant would spend the night in the holiest part of the sanctuary. Any dreams or visions would be reported to a priest who would prescribe the appropriate therapy by a process of interpretation. Some healing also used a sacred dog to lick the wound of the sick.
Aesculapian Snakes
Well, you have read the description I write in the passage above. Then, I am sure that you has already gained a little information about why a snake is used as a pharmacy logo. The Geek mythology is related to it. The logos that is now widely used in every hospital in the world comes from a Greece god named Asclepius or in another word it is called as a god of health and medicine.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Sleep Paralyze

And I close my eyes…
It is dark, hardly see a thing…
Silent…for a while…
My eyes are open…
I see…
I breathe…
No moves…but eyes…
I see her…
Crawling and approaching me…
No smiles, no sound, no eyes…
Only hair…
I move…
She breathes on my neck…
I ignore it…
I move…
She’s gone…

That was my poem about a sleeping experience at which I have been experiencing it since I was in junior high school. Later, I know the sleeping experience happening to me is well-known as sleeping paralyze. I remember the first time I experienced it is when I was in the 7th grade. That time I was sleeping, at noon –I think that time was Sunday- with my mother. At a sudden I opened my eyes and I saw my mother slept before my eyes. Something stranger happened that time, and l just can remember that I couldn’t move my body and I hardly took a breath, what a crap!!!
I really tried hard to move my body but I just can’t. I stayed still lying on the bed while I can see and heard thing. I stayed calm while the truth is I was trying to stay calm and not panic. I closed my eyes and imagine that I could move my hands. Alas, it didn’t work. Well, I knew that by only imagining that I can move my hand would not change a thing then I tried hard to move my hand. At first it was hard and the result was the same as I was imagining that I can move my hand. Fortunately, after a while and after continuously trying to move my hands, I can move it at last. After being totally awake, I just got a headache at that time.
After that “strange” sleep experience, I thought that I will not have that kind of sleep anymore. But a God’s hand have Its own fate. I still experience it until now. And the last time I experienced it was on Thursday night 28 of March 2014.
Well, that is just the intermezzo or in the other hand what I just told you is just an introductory paragraph. Actually, today I just want to tell or inform or explain to you about sleep paralyze in-depth. I will give information about this kind of sleep and its legend across the country as detail as I can. So enjoy reading.
A.     Sleep paralyze, what is it?
Well according to Wikipedia (haha, when you are writing a final paper for your college you are strongly recommended not using Wikipedia as a reference, but this time is okay) sleep paralyze is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening. And also it will be followed by a sensation of incapability of moving our body.
            J.A Cheye from Department of psychology, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada states in her article “Situational factors affecting sleep paralysis and associated hallucinations; positions and timing effects” that sleep paralyze is a sleep period that entails a period of paralysis upon waking or falling asleep and is often accompanied by terrifying hallucinations.
            Nicholas Yuvienco from Pitzer College has his own idea about sleep paralysis. As stated on his paper entitled “Running Head; Sleep paraysis” that sleep paralysis is transient experience of involuntary immobility immediately prior to falling asleep waking up. Yuvienco later argues that although individuals are unable to make bodily movements, they are still able to open their ayes and view the surroundings. Therefore sometimes vivid and terrifying hallucinations often accompany sleep paralysis.
            Well, to sum up upon the given theories about sleep paralysis, it is can be took a conclusion that sleep paralysis is a period of sleep at which individuals are in a condition of falling asleep and wakening. This sleep is marked by incapability of individuals’ body to move while they are still able to open their eyes and see surrounding or even hear. Sleep paralysis is often accompanying by a scary hallucination.
B.     Sleep paralysis, its legend and its urban legend?
It is believed by almost all people in the world that we are not the only living creatures living on the earth. There are others. And others are believed to be the unobvious one. They are satans or in other word we can call them as devil or demon, the others that is believed to live along with us. Then, what do satans do with sleep paralysis? Well, it is believed that it is impossible to say that there is nothing to do for satans in sleep paralysis. Later, I will show you the legend of sleep paralysis and its urban legend.
The history of sleep paralysis had been long known. 

In Scandivian (Swedish) Folklore, sleep paralysis is believed to be caused by a mare, a supernatural creature related to incubi and succubi.  The mare is believed to be in form of a damned woman who is cursed and her body is carried
Incubi, the ghost believed to attack a sleeping person in Swedish
mysteriously during sleep and without her noticing. In according to the urband legend in this state, it is believed that she visit villagers to sit on their rib cages while they are asleep and causing them to experience nightmare. The movie whose theme is about sleep paralysis was created. The title is Marriane.

A Hag-ridden illustration
In Newfoundland, South Carolina, and Georgia, it is believed that sleep paralysis is caused by a hag who leaves her physical body at night, and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with a felling terror, has difficulty breathing that is because of a perceived heavy invisible weight on his or her chest, and is unable to move. This nightmare is also called as ‘hag-ridden” by Gullah lore-an African descendant living in South Carolina, and Georgia.
In Fiji, this sleep paralysis experience has another name that is Kana Tevoro whose means is being eaten by a demon. In many cases, Fiji people believe that the demon can be the spirit of a recently dead relative who has come for some unfinished businesses, to communicate some important businesses to the living. Often people sleeping near the afflicted person say “kania,kania” means ‘eat, eat”  in attempt  to prolog the possession for a chance to converse with the dead relative or the spirit and seek the answer as to why he or she has come back. 
In Nigeria, Sleep paralysis is believed to be far more common and recurrent among people of African descendant than among whites or Nigerian Africans and is often referred to within African communities as “The Devil on your back”
In Turkey sleep paralysis is called karabasan and is similar to other stories of demonic visitation during sleep. A supernatural being, commonly known as djinn or cin in Turkish, come to victim’s room, hold him or her down hard enough not to allow any kind of movements, and start to strangle the person. To get rid of the demonic creature, one needs to pray to Allah.
In Thailand, it is believed that sleep paralysis is caused by a ghost at which Thai people call it as Phi Am. Some people believe that this creature may causes bruises.
In southern states of United States, elders refer it as “The witch is riding on your back”.
In Chinese culture, sleep paralysis is called as “gui ya shen” or gui “gui ya chuang” which literally means ghost press your body, or ghost pressing o bed. In Eastern Chinese it is believed that sleep paralysis is cause by a mouse that is trying to steal our breath at night. It is believed that by stealing a person’s breath, he can be strong and has a longevity of life. Also, it can turns him to be a human in night. It is believed that the mouse sit near the persons face while the mouse is stealing the breath.
In Indonesia, the country at which I live, sleep paralyze is often called as "ketindihan", rep-repan" or "kelindihan".
Those words literally means being pressed down by something. In Indonesia especially in Javanese culture, when people experience sleep paralyze, it is believed that they are attacked by ghost or spirit of the dead. It is said that to avoid the same attack happens again , we should change our sleep position. I did it but it doesn't work hahahaha.  

Well then, that is all that I can give you about sleep paralyze. See you later on another topic. Good night, sleep tight, don't let a dead spirit bite. hahah LOL YOLO