have you been? I’ve waiting you, you know” Said a small boy in the branch of
guava tree. His small hand was clutching a guava fruit whose side had been

seven minutes, more or less” Roni grinned when he said that.
I though you have been waiting for two hours” Said Dinar and he took a small
gravel and threw it to Roni
failed to avoid the thrown gravel. It hit his head
well, take it easy, at least you still make me waiting, right? Said Roni while
his hand rubbed the part of his head that was hit by the gravel
it, what are we gonna do now? Are we just two here? Where is the other?”
dunno Dinar, I dunno what we are gonna do, neither do I know where the others
go to the rive then”
No. River is a no now”
Are you afraid Roni? You are chicken”
but didn’t you notice that last night was a heavy rain. I am sure that the
river is flooded now”
I didn’t notice that last night was raining? Come on, do you come or not?
What’s your call?
Dinar ran to the river. The river is located not too far from those children
“base camp” but it cannot also be said that the distance is near, But for those
children, it is quite near.
wait. Why you are so stubborn. It is dangerous”
never know if you don’t see it directly”
then passed the rubber plantation. They find the small path in that plantation.
The soil in that plantation is covered by an ever-green plant. The plant which
people in that village called it as “Rayutan” plant. Rayutan plant was usually
used by people in that village to feed their livestock animal. It can be feed
to cow or goat.
is the way? I can find it” Said Roni. It was the first time for him to pass the
rubber plantation way.
I rarely pass this way” Said Dinar, he focused his eyes on the ground of the
then try to find a small path on that plantation. As the plantation of rubber
plant is kind of plantation that was dark because a lot of big tree with dense
leaves lived in the plantation, people that wanted to pass the plantation had
to follow the path that had been crated before by the owner of the plantation
or by people that usually passed the plantation. The path was usually signed by
a one-metered soil at which no plant or no rayutan lived on that path as rayutan
was always stepped on every day and it made them wilted and died.
look there!” said Roni at a sudden
An area that is not green, I think that is the path”
we found it” Said Dinar
then followed the pathway they found. It was a new experience for Roni to pass
this way and even for dinar, even he ever came to the plantation but he never
went too far as far as they did now. They so amazed because they had never
before stepped their feet on it. Their eyes are mesmerized by the beauty of the
plantation. It was not the rubber plants that they are amazed of but it is the
brushes living in this plantation that made them felt like they were in the
never-touched-before land.
The rubber plants there were surrounded by a brush
whose flowers were colorful. The color of a flower they had never seen before
in their village or even in the river they were going to visit. The flower
looked like a flipped trumpet that hanged from a branch that full of thorns.
Roni was so amazed by flowers whose sheath was filled of three colors which
were white, yellow and red. Roni was about to pick the flower when Dinar at a
sudden screamed
Don’t touch that flower”
BE CONTINUED…………………………………........
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