This semester, I am in 5th
semester in my college, because of I take an English department, so few of my
subject connected with linguistic. And this semester one of linguistic subject I
am going to learn is literature.
Well at the first meeting of the literature’s
class, I was really excited because the lecturer is so funny ha-ha and it made
the atmosphere of literature class became fun. Well, as usual in my first
meeting class, there would be no discussion, just gave some introduction to the
material we are going to learn and some project we have to do onward.

Finally, in the following day, I came to
the library of my faculty for the book. And there are provided so many book
about literature (not too many actually) and I choose one. The grey-cover book
whose title is English literature and written by ANTHONY BURGESS got my attention. Bringing it to the
librarian, I opened some of the pages and I found the interesting part in the beginning
of the chapter.
The interesting part is talking about Science
vs. Art.
Well there is said in the book that science
and art is two different things. Science is mostly talking about the truth of a
thing. They talking about why the earth is round, how the earth rounds and everything
else connected to the truth while Art is talking about the beautiful, it talks
about the beauty of earth, it doesn’t talk why the earth is round but it talks
about the color and the test of the earth, something that beautiful, something
that only can be tasted by and open-minded and openhearted person.

Feeling interesting to discuss it with my
friend, I ask a question to my friend in the class, I asked about which one
important between science and art is. And he directly answered my question,
art, because I didn’t like study because I love music, so art is the most important.
And I tried to explain about what I read
on the book but he insisted. Well my friend it is I who have a mistake or he
the one who don’t know that we can’t live without science and art.
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